As such, for the evening the Lodge followed ‘Plan B’ and passed Chris Nevada to the second degree, the ceremony being worked by the Master and his Officers; Chris was an excellent candidate. Both Alan and Andrew, the Lodge DC, have received some very positive comments on the ceremony from a number of the Lodge visitors. The Brethren were able to perform well due to the friendly and relaxed manner displayed by Ben and Sir David, for which they were all grateful.

A Very Special Meeting for Quantock Lodge

The Quantock Lodge 4446, meeting in Watchet, had a very special meeting on the 8th January, graced by the presence of not only the much-loved Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Ben Batley, but also by the Past Deputy Grand Master Sir David Wootton. Sir David is an old friend of the Quantock Master Alan Sandwell and as such attended in a private capacity, whilst Ben was on official duties. The Brethren had hoped to have Stan Berry with them that night, to whom Ben was to present a Fifty Year Certificate, but due to Stan’s age (he is in his 90s), he was unable to attend; so Ben and a number of the Brethren visited him at home earlier in the day and presented his certificate. The Quantock Brethren are grateful to Ben for his kindness.

The festive board continued in this happy manner, thanks to the conviviality of the evening and the efforts of Quantock’s excellent caterer. Thanks must also go to Les Pickersgill, the Provincial Photographer, for the excellent pictures. All in all, a special and happy occasion which will abide in the memories of the brethren who attended.

Report by: Andrew Spiers – Quantock Lodge Comms Officer | Photos: Les Pickersgill – Prov Photographer

Freemasons from Quantock (Watchet) and Exmoor (Minehead) Lodges present a grant to Home-Start West Somerset manager Clare Pound for the Dad Matters project. PHOTO: Chris Moore.

Freemasons £4k grant for charity project supporting new West Somerset and Exmoor fathers

NEW fathers and their families across West Somerset and Exmoor are to benefit from essential one-to-one support, after a £4,000 charity grant by Somerset Freemasons.

The Freemasons have given the money to Home-Start West Somerset’s Dad Matters project, based in Minehead, which supports new fathers navigating the challenges of parenthood.

The grant will help Dad Matters to provide personalised mentorship and support, enabling new fathers to develop the confidence and skills necessary for successful parenting.

Dad Matters co-ordinator for West Somerset Ben Arrigoni said: “We are deeply grateful to the Somerset Freemasons for their generous grant.

A Busy Night At The Lodge Of Perpetual Friendship

The Lodge of Perpetual Friendship No.135, Bridgwater hosted the Quantock Lodge No.4446 during a fraternal visit to receive the travelling trowel on the 14th October. Alan Sandwell, Master of the Quantock Lodge gave an excellent handover and was supported by a goodly number of Quantock Lodge brethren. Perpetual Friendship will now hand over the travelling trowel to the Somerset Military Lodge No.10021 in November.

 Quantock paid tribute to their retiring Director of Ceremonies, Dougie Towells, who has been in post for twenty-four years. As the new DC, Andrew Spiers, observed on being appointed that he had a very, very difficult act to follow, as Dougie had been ‘the consummate DC’. Alex Moran, Quantock Secretary, made a presentation on behalf of the Lodge to Dougie at the Festive Board. A presentation was also made to Roger Biss by Alex, on behalf of the Lodge, who was standing down as Charity Steward, again after many faithful years in Office. The Brethren are grateful to Dougie and Roger for all their past service.


Quantock Lodge Installation Report

The 2nd October saw the brethren of the Quantock Lodge No. 4446 in Watchet have the pleasure of installing Alan Sandwell as their Worshipful Master. Alan recently retired after running his own business for many years and is a keen and enthusiastic mason who has prepared carefully for the Chair. He was installed by Denis Griggs in an exemplary manner to the appreciation of all the brethren.

The Provincial Grand Master was represented by the Past Provincial Grand Master Stuart Hadler, who brought his usual charm and friendly manner to the proceedings, creating a very warm and happy meeting. He was escorted by Tom Nutt, who also brought his friendly and positive demeanour to our proceedings.


 At the Festive Board, the Master’s Song was sung by three brethren of the Lodge, particular friends of Alan, who admitted that they were not as good as the Three Tenors, and as such called themselves the Three Fivers! Alan has planned a year full of masonic and family/friends events, which Quantock brethren look forward to. In summary, a superb evening enjoyed by all present and Quantock thanks everyone who attended and made it such a special evening.

Report by: Andrew Spiers, LCO, Quantock Lodge

Photos by: Les Pickersgill – Provincial Photographer

Quantock Lodge Receives Its Centenary Warrant

The Quantock Lodge 4446, who meet in Watchet, celebrated their Centenary on the 12th April 2023.  The Lodge was consecrated on 5th April 1923, having been formed by the brethren paying the sum of £1260.00.  The Lodge was almost at capacity for the Centenary meeting and the ceremony was performed by the Provincial Grand Master Ray Guthrie with the help and support of many of his Provincial Officers. The Centenary Warrant now has pride of place in the Temple.

The ceremony, festive board and the support received from the Provincial Officers and the many guests, contributed to a memorable evening thoroughly enjoyed by all present. Apart from the unfortunate absence of Mike Greedy, the only downside was Eric Murrell being taken ill. Alex Moran, Quantock Lodge Secretary advises all who attended that Eric is well on the road to recovery following his collapse. Eric thanks all those who sent him their best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Pictured above is Quantock WM John Barnes receiving the Centenary Warrant from Ray Guthrie PGM.

Article by; Alex Moran – 4446 Secretary & Posted by: Ed Richings (ACO) SW


A Unique Celebration for Quantock Lodge

Quantock Lodge No 4446, who meet at Watchet, recently had the opportunity to celebrate a combined 112 years in Freemasonry for two of their lodge members and bring a very fitting end to their Masonic year. The lodge was honoured by the presence of Stanley Hopkins, Past Provincial Grandmaster for Somerset, who presented a 60 years in Freemasonry certificate to Eric Murrell and 50 years in Freemasonry certificate to the Keith Lloyd – the additional collar adornments added to the sense of fun and enjoyment.

This was the third attempt to celebrate with Eric (now actually 62 years a Mason) as previous attempts to mark the occasion were thwarted by the COVID lockdown in March 2020 and then an outbreak of COVID amongst Lodge Officers in April 2022. It was pleasing to see the lodge back to an almost capacity audience with a good number of guests, enjoying an excellent festive board and the renowned Quantock atmosphere.

Sadly, the lodge also bid a fond farewell to Karen Dingle who had decided that for several reasons she had to resign as Quantock Lodge caterer. Karen had been the caterer for many years and had always presented good fare for the many festive boards and lodge social occasions. The WM on behalf of the brethren presented her with a bouquet of flowers, a decanter and a good supply of wine.

A thoroughly enjoyable and memorable evening was had by all present and it certainly raised spirits after the impact of the pandemic.

(L-R) R.W.Bro Stanley Hopkins with W.Bros Keith Lloyd and Eric Murrell.